Chapter 5 Magnitude (length) of vector, unit vector. Scalar multiplication of vector. Scalar addition of vector. Difference between two vectors. Angle between two vectors (via acos). Normal vector. Peripendicular vector. Matrix, leading diagonal, determinant. Multiplying to number, adding to matrix. Multiplying matrices. Chapter 7 Formulas for distance, speed and acceleration. Calculating bouncing times and places with gravitation. Cannonball example. Ball speed with different cannon mass. Energy types. Chapter 8 Collision detection with circle and various objects, with rectangle and various objects and different angles. Ellipse coordinates. Chapter 12 Newton three laws. Impulse. Gravity calculation, examples (gravity on the Moon, Sun). Simulating orbits. Centripetal force. Geo-Stationary Orbit Chapter 18 Transforms. Using matrix in transformation - scaling, rotating, transforming.