The confirmer Example Application

The confirmer example application demonstrates how to use an injected JavaMail session to send a confirmation email.

If you've ever ordered a product from a web site, you've probably received an email confirming your order. The ConfirmerBean class demonstrates how to send email from an enterprise bean.

Like a database connection, a mail session is a resource. In the Application Server, a mail session is called a JavaMail resource. The resource is injected into the class using @Resource and specifying the JNDI name of the resource. The type of the session field is javax.mail.Session.

private Session session; 

After calling several set methods on the Message object, sendNotice invokes the send method of the javax.mail.Transport class to send the message. The source code for the sendNotice method follows.

public void sendNotice(String recipient) {
  try {
    Message message = new MimeMessage(session);
        InternetAddress.parse(recipient, false));
    message.setSubject("Test Message from ConfirmerBean");
    DateFormat dateFormatter = DateFormat
    Date timeStamp = new Date();

    String messageText = "Thank you for your order." + '\n'
        + "We received your order on "
        + dateFormatter.format(timeStamp) + ".";

    message.setHeader("X-Mailer", mailer);

    // Send message
    Transport.send(message);"Mail sent to " + recipient + ".");
  } catch (MessagingException ex) {
    ex.printStackTrace();"Error in ConfirmerBean for " + recipient);

Running the confirmer Example Application

In order run the confirmer example, you must:

  1. Create a mail session in the Admin Console.
  2. Compile the example.
  3. Deploy the example.
  4. Retrieve the client JAR.
  5. Run the client JAR.

Creating a Mail Session

To create a mail session in the Application Server using the Admin Console, follow these steps:

  1. Open the URL http://localhost:4848/asadmin in a browser.
  2. Select the JavaMail Sessions node.
  3. Click New.
  4. Type mail/myMailSession in the JNDI Name field.
  5. Type the name of the host running your mail server in the Mail Host field.
  6. Type the destination email address in the Default User field.
  7. Type your email address in the Default Return Address field.
  8. Click OK.
  9. Note that mail/myMailSession is listed under the JavaMail Sessions node.

Compiling confirmer

To compile the confirmer example, do the following.

  1. In a terminal go to <INSTALL>/examples/ejb/confirmer.
  2. Enter the following command:
  3.   ant

    This compiles the source code and creates a EAR file, confirmer,ear, in the dist directory.

Deploying confimer.ear

To depoy confirmer.ear, enter the following command in a terminal:

ant deploy 

Running the Client

By default, the client sends a message to, a fictional email address. To change the email address, set the app-client.args property in <INSTALL>/examples/ejb/confirmer/nbproject/ to the email address to which you'd like the test message sent. For example: 

To retrieve the client JAR and run the client, enter the following command in a terminal:

ant run 

You should see the following line when the client has successfully sent the test message:

[exec] Message sent to 

If you changed the target email address, the test message should arrive in the user's inbox in a few moments.