program graph_apsp; // Delphi 5 sourcecode for the python module. // By leonardo maffi, Version 1.0, April 9 2005 // This code is for the optional AllPairsShortestPaths method, for the Floyd algorithm. // If this compiled console program is not accessible, the Graph AllPairsShortestPaths // method uses an internal Floyd routine in Python. // This code can be easely rewritten in C, if needed. {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} uses SysUtils; const maxint = 2147483647; type TyDist = array of array of integer; var i, j, n, c, r, v, w, d: Integer; dist: TyDist; line: string; begin Readln(Input, Line); n:= length(line); SetLength(dist, n, n); for j:= 0 to n-1 do if line[j+1] = '0' then dist[0, j]:= maxint else dist[0, j]:= 1; for i:= 1 to n-1 do begin readln(Input, Line); for j:= 0 to n-1 do if line[j+1] = '0' then dist[i, j]:= maxint else dist[i, j]:= 1; end; (* Python code: for i in xrange(n): for v in xrange(n): for w in xrange(n): if dist[v][i] != maxint and dist[i][w] != maxint: d = dist[v][i] + dist[i][w] if dist[v][w] > d: dist[v][w] = d *) for i:= 0 to n-1 do for v:= 0 to n-1 do for w:= 0 to n-1 do if (dist[v,i] <> maxint) and (dist[i,w] <> maxint) then begin d:= dist[v,i] + dist[i,w]; if dist[v,w] > d then dist[v, w]:= d; end; for c:= 0 to n-1 do begin for r:= 0 to n-1 do write( dist[r,c], ' ' ); writeln; end; end.