Documentation for the module By leonardo maffi This document version: 1.8, Jun 30 2006. A graph is set of items (nodes or vertices) connected by arcs (also called edges). This module contains a Graph class to implement a network data structure. REQUIREMENTS: Python 2.4 OPTIONAL: Tkinter, Psyco, GrafPlotLib, Graphviz, Pajek. DATA STRUCTURES: This structure allows loops, and no more than one directed arc from a node to another one (another arc in the opposite direction is allowed too). - This directed graph class contains a dictionary "o". Inside "o" each key is a node; the corresponding value is another dictionary, it contains keys (final ends of arcs), and their values are the arcs weights. Undirected arcs are made with two opposite directed arcs. - There is second dictionary, called "i", that is the trasposed of "o", and with equal structure. - The third dictionary is "nodeData", it contains optional data associated with nodes. By default if a node isn't present inside nodeData, then it's associated data is None. Associating None as the data of a node, removes it from nodeData. - "arcCount" is the total number of directed arcs of the graph. Loops are counted two times. EXAMPLE GRAPH: self.o = {0:{1:2}, 1:{2:2}, 2:{0:2,1:2}} self.i = {0:{2:2}, 1:{0:2,2:2}, 2:{1:2}} self.nodeData = {0:"N1", 1:"N2", 2:"N3"} self.arcCount = 4 self.nextNode = 0 This graph as adjacency matrix (1 = arc present): 0 1 2 0: | 0 1 0 | 1: | 0 0 1 | 2: | 1 1 0 | Its matrix of arc weights: 0 1 2 0: | 2 | 1: | 2 | 2: | 2 2 | NOTES: - Method names beginning with "_" are usually private. Sometimes they are public, but low level and without safety cheeks, for people that know well the details of data structures used by the graph. - Masking/unmasking of nodes and arcs isn't supported, to keep algorithms simple enough. - "Bidirectional arcs" (here usually called "BiArcs") are defined as a couple of opposite arcs between two nodes with the same arc weights. - Self-loops are allowed, they count as *two* for the global arc count of the graph. So a complete graph has n*(n+1) arcs (and not just n*n). - Node IDs must be hashable, but they can be unsortable. So [1] isn't allowed as node ID, but 1+8J is allowed. Unsortable nodes change the behaviour of some printing methods (that call _mysorted). - Arc weights and nodeData can be any object, like a tuple of the coordinates of a node, its color, a number, it's masking status, etc. INDEX OF METHOD CATEGORIES: NODE OPERATIONS: ARC OPERATIONS: GRAPH OPERATORS: GRAPH STATS AND ANALYSIS: addNode add addArc __getitem__ __init__ order addNodes addBiArc makeUndirect size hasNode hasArc copy __len__ getNodeData getArcw __copy__ __nonzero__ changeNodeData setArcw transpose isUndirected renameNode delArc clear isTournament renameNodes delBiArc complement maxDegree firstNode inArcs subgraphExtract loopCount delNode outArcs __contains__ integerw popNode xinArcs degreeDict realw delManyNodes xoutArcs inboundDict startNodes inNodes arcs addArcs isIndependentSet outNodes xarcs addMulti connectedComponents xinNodes arcsw addSource shortestPath xoutNodes xarcsw addSink shortestPaths inOutNodes delAllLoops addClique toposort xinOutNodes hasLoops addPath allPairsShortestPaths nodes directedArcs create2dGrid stats xnodes undirectedArcs createNcube viewStats degree delAllArcs createRandom density inDegree sumw createIntervalgGraph isRegular outDegree sumPathw createPetersen isKregular xselectNodeData inThroughCapacity randomw isBiregular createID outThroughCapacity randomCoords isCubic _rawDelNode throughCapacity circularCoords isTrivalent maxThroughCapacity springCoords isConnected isUndirectedArc euclidify2d eccentricity reverseArc __hash__ diameter makeUndirectArc __iter__ radius addLoop _regenerate diameterRadius firstArc _new levelStructure xselectw mostDistantNodes convexHull pseudoperipheralNode _fastAddArc isEmbedded _fastAddBiArc _methods _recountArcs __getattr__ _fastDelArc _cleanDeadArcs GRAPH REPRESENTATION: BINARY GRAPH OPERATORS: GRAPH VISITS: GRAPH I/O: __repr__ addUpdate DFS save short subUpdate BFS load ushort intersection xDFS textSave sview nodeIntersection xBFS textLoad __str__ __eq__ saveDot __unicode__ __ne__ savePajek _matrixView isOrientation fromAmatrix _compactBitMatrixView isIsomorphic fromMap aform isomorphMap _fastLoad wform _testBinary iform lform aview wview iview lview aplot plot2d METHOD LIST (originally generated with method "_methods", with __copy__ and sview added): BFS(startNode, sort=False, direction=1): return a breadth-first search list of nodes starting from the given node. If sort==True then it sorts the nodes at each step (gives an error on unsortable node IDs). direction= 1 normal (downward) BFS use outgoing arcs. direction=-1 backward BFS use incoming arcs. direction= 0 bidirectional BFS use incoming and outgoing arcs. DFS(startNode, sort=False, direction=1): depth-first search list of nodes, starting from the given node. It walks inbound arcs too. If sort==True then it sorts the nodes at each step (gives an error on unsortable node IDs). direction= 1 normal (downward) BFS use outgoing arcs. direction=-1 backward BFS use incoming arcs. direction= 0 bidirectional BFS use incoming and outgoing arcs. __contains__: called in response to the expression 'node in self' __copy__: like copy, return a shallow copy of the graph. __eq__(): == between graphs. __getitem__: to set and get an arc of the graph with the syntax graph[n1][n2]. This is rather slow, use addArc or getArcw for a faster access. __hash__(): a Graph cannot be hashed. __init__(self, nodesGraph=None, nodeData=None): create a graph structure. __iter__(): for n in g __len__(): return the number of nodes of the graph (its order). __ne__(): != between graphs. __nonzero__(): return if the graph is not empty. __repr__(): return a textual representation of the graph, suitable, for creating the same structure. The representation contains only a dictionary of outbound arcs with their weights, and the nodeData, if present. (The __init__ method can be rebuild the other information). __unicode__(): return a unicode textual representation of the graph, suitable, for creating the same structure. The representation contains only a dictionary of outbound arcs with their weights, and the nodeData, if present. (The __init__ method can be rebuild the other information). _cleanDeadArcs(): low level method: clean dead-ending arcs, useful after many "raw" node deletions, and then it calls regenerate. _compactBitMatrixView(mat): private method used by *view methods; it converts mat into a string. Useful for a compact representation for aview, without labels. See aform.__doc__ for the description of the structure of mat. _fastAddArc(n1, n2, w=None): Low level method: nodes must be already present, and arc must not be present. _fastAddBiArc(n1, n2, w=None): low level method: nodes must be already present, and arcs must not be present. _fastDelArc(n1, n2): low level method: remove the directed arc between n1 and n2. The directed arc must be present. _fastLoad(fileName, compressed=False): low level method: load the graph with cPickle. If compressed=True, read the graph compresses with BZ2. This doesn't perform the regenerate. _matrixView(mat): private method used by *view methods; it converts mat into a string. See aform.__doc__ for the description of the structure of mat. _methods(): return a formatted string with all the methods of the class Graph. _new(outboundDict, nodeData=None): low level method: quickly reinitialize the graph from a given outbound arcs dictionary (as self.o) like those written by repr(g). nodeData dictionary can also be given. No safety cheeks are performed, use Graph(outboundDict, nodeData) if you want the safety cheeks. _rawDelNode(n): low level method: quickly delete a node from the graph without removing dead-ending arcs. After one or more rawDelNode, a cleanDeadArcs is necessary. _recountArcs(): low level method: recount all the arcs of the graph, updating arcCount. Useful after some low level changes to the graph. Each self-loops counts as two arcs. _regenerate(): low level method: regenerate a new graph structure just on the base of the outbound arc dictionary and nodeData. It's useful after some "raw" low level operations on the graph. _testBinary(other, sop): private method, used to test if the other object is a Graph too, useful for binary methods between graphs. Inspired by a similar method in sets module. sop is the name of the operation. addArc(n1, n2, w=None) (or just add): add/update a directed arc between node n1 and n2. The weight w can be any object, and it is always present (None by default). addArcs(seq, w=None, bi=False, paired=True): add a sub-graph from a given sequence of arcs expressed as pairs of nodes, plus optional weight (default weight w=None). If bi=True, bidirectional arcs are added (with the same weight). If paired=False then seq is meant as a flattened sequence, to be paired. Example: g.addArcs( [(1,2,5),(1,6),(3,1,None),(2,3,"a"),7,[],(8,)] ) ==> g.o == {1: {2:5, 6:None}, 2: {3:'a'}, 3: {1:None}, 6:{}, 7:{}, 8:{}} That is: g.nodes() ==> [1,2,3,6,7,8] g.arcs() ==> [(1,2,5),(1,6,None),(3,1,None),(2,3,"a")] Another example: g.clear() g.addArcs([1,2,3,4,5,6], paired=False) print g ==> 1>2 2 3>4 4 5>6 6 addBiArc(n1, n2, w=None): add/update two arcs in opposite directions (an undirected arc) between node n1 and n2. Their weight w can be any object, and they are always present (None by default). addClique(nodes, nodeData=None, w=None, loops=False): add a clique (a complete subgraph) of given nodes. If loops==True then nodes are connected with themselves too. addLoop(self, n, w=None): add/update a self-loop at node n. The weight w can be any object, and it is always present (None by default). addMulti(seq, w=None, nodeData=None, bi=False): add a sub-graph from a given sequence of groups node-arcs (nodes must be hashable). All weights are set to w (or None by default). Groups can be just pairs. Example: g.addMulti( [(1,2,6),2,(3,1),(1,6),[],[7]], w=0 ) ==> g.o == {1: {2:None, 6:0}, 2: {}, 3: {1:0}, 6:{}, 7:{}} That is: g.nodes() ==> [1,2,3,6,7] g.arcsw() ==> [(1,2,0),(1,6,0),(3,1,0)] addNcube(dim=3, nodes=None, w=None, nodeData=None): add to the self graph a graph with the structure of an dim-dimensional cube. All arcs are created bidirectional and have the given weight w, or None. Nodes are created with the given optional nodeData. nodes = optional list of 2**dim nodeIDs, they must not be present in the graph. If nodes==None then integer nodeIDs are created with createID. addNode(n, nodeData=None): add a node n, if not already present. Updates its nodeData if necessary. nodeData exists only if it's != None. n must be hashable, otherwise a TypeError is raised. addNodes(nodes, nodeData=None): add a sequence of nodes. Updates their nodeData if necessary. nodeData exists only if it's != None. nseq must contain hashables, otherwise a TypeError is raised. addPath(self, nodes, nodeData=None, w=None, closed=False): add a linear structure of chained nodes; open, or closed in a circle. Example: addPath(g.createID(50), closed=True) addSink(node, nodeData=None, w=None): sink receives arcs from all other nodes. addSource(node, nodeData=None, w=None): source is a node with arcs to all other nodes. addUpdate(other): update/overwrite the graph adding nodes and arcs present in another graph. aform(): return the graph represented as an Adjacency Matrix, inside a mat structure. A graph with n nodes can be represented as a Adjacency Matrix of n rows and n columns; the (i,j) entry of the matrix is 1 if there is an arc from node i to node j, 0 otherwise. mat is a tuple of: (matrix, xlabels, ylabels, title, mapping): - matrix is a list of lists (0,0 is in the upper left). - xlabels and ylabels are lists usually containing node or arc IDs. - title is the name of the representation (Adjacency Matrix, Incidence Matrix, Adjacency Matrix weights). - mapping is an optional dictionary that helps mapping elements of the matrices to strings. For Incidence Matrix: {0:" .", 1:" 1", -1:"-1", 2:" 2"} For Adjacency Matrix: {0:".", 1:"1"} allPairsShortestPaths(weights=True, forceInternal=False): Floyd-Warshall all pairs shortest paths. Find the shortest distance between every pair of nodes in the graph. Return a matrix of distances, and the node sequence of the rows (it's the same for the columns). If there isn't a path between the two nodes, the matrix entry is sys.maxint = 2147483647 If weights=False then all arc weights are meant as 1. If you want to use weights, self-loops must be all present, and usually their weights must be 0. If weights are 0, and g.hasLoop(n)==True, then g.shortestPath(n,n) ==> 0. forceInternal=True, then it force the use of the python algorithm. The algorithm works if there isn't a negative weight cycle in the graph. This algorithm should be used to compute shortest paths between every pair of nodes for dense graphs. aplot(): show the adjacency matrix of the graph (structure plot) using MatPlotLib. A graph with n nodes can be represented as a Adjacency Matrix of n rows and n columns; the (i,j) entry of the matrix is 1 if there is an arc from node i to node j, 0 otherwise. Loops are counted as 1. arcs(): return an unsorted list of all the arcs of the graph, without weights. Its elements are (n1,n2). arcsw(): return an unsorted list of all the arcs of the graph, with weights. Its elements are (n1,n2,w). aview(compact=False): return a string with the graph represented as Adjacency Matrix. If compact=True, it shows a more compact binary matrix, without node labels. A graph with n nodes can be represented as a Adjacency Matrix of n rows and n columns; the (i,j) entry of the matrix is 1 if there is an arc from node i to node j, 0 otherwise. changeNodeData(n, newnd): updates/adds nodeData to a node n, if n is present. if nodeData=None its nodeData is deleted. circularCoords(center=(0,0), radius=1): assign coordinates to all the nodes of the graph, putting them on a circle. center and radius are an optional pair of coordinates and a number. clear(): remove all elements from the graph. complement(w=None): complement(w=None): create the complement of the graph. nodeData of nodes are kept. Old arc weights are discarded, the new arcs have the optionally given weight w or None. Definition: the complement of a graph G is the graph G' with the same nodes, whose arcs are precisely those that are not in the arc set of G. Note that self loops are considered too. connectedComponents(): return the list of the Connected Components of the graph. Return a list of lists of nodes. The connected components of a graph represent, in grossest terms, the pieces of the graph. Two nodes are in the same component if and only if there is some path between them. (Each arc is meant as bidirectional). convexHull(add=False, bi=False, w=None): return a list of the 2D convex hull of the nodes of the graph. If add=True add directed arcs of the convex hull to the graph, with given w arc weight. nodeData of nodes must contain their (x,y) coordinates. If add=True and bi=True, arcs are created undirected. copy(): return a shallow copy of the graph. create2dGrid(nodes, columns, w=None, coords=False): create a 2D grid undirected graph, from the given sequence of nodes. Columns is the number of desired columns. len(nodes) must be divisible by columns. All arcs are created with the given weight w, or the default None. If coords is True, nodeData of nodes contains (x,y) coordinates of the node (integer coordinates). Example: g.create2dGrid(range(6), 3, w=0, coords=True) ==> g.nodeData = {0:(0,0), 1:(1,0), 2:(2,0), 3:(0,1), 4:(1,1), 5:(2,1)} g.short() = 0>1,3 1>0,2,4 2>1,5 3>0,4 4>1,3,5 5>2,4 createID(n): return a list of n integers (or longs) that aren't already nodes of the graph. createIntervalgGraph(seq, w=None): given a list, tuple or set seq containing *distinct* pairs (t0,t1) with t0<=t1, where t is int, long, or float, create an interval graph, whose nodes are the given pairs, and there is an arc between the (t0a,t1a) and (t0b,t1b) nodes if the [t0a,t1a] and [t0b,t1b] intervals intersection isn't empty. All intervals are closed, so the intersection between [1,2] and [2,5.1] is the point 2. Duplicated intervals are ignored. All arcs are created with the specified weight w, or with the default weight=None. Ex: g.createIntervalgGraph([ (1,4),(5,7),(8,11),(3,7.1),(5,7),(5,8) ]) Produces the graph: (1,4)>(3,7.1) (3,7.1)>(1,4),(5,7),(5,8) (5,7)>(3,7.1),(5,8) (5,8)>(3,7.1),(5,7),(8,11) (8,11)>(5,8) createPetersen(): delete the graph and create the Petersen Graph. degree(node): return the degree (the number of inbound + outbound arcs) of a node. Self-loops are counted twice. Return 0 if the node isn't in the graph. degreeDict(): return a dictionary of all (node, node_degree) of the graph. Self-loops are counted twice. delAllArcs(): removes all the arcs from the graph. delAllLoops(): delete all loops from the graph. delArc(n1, n2): remove, if present, the directed arc between node n1 and node n2. delBiArc(n1, n2): remove, if present, the bidirectional arc between n1 and n2, or just one of the directional ones. delManyNodes(nodes): quickly deletes many nodes, given as a sequence. Useful to remove ~30% or more of the nodes of the graph for a complete graph, or ~55% or more of the nodes for a path graph. For fewer nodes delNode method is faster. delNode(n): remove the node n, if present. density(): return the density of the graph, computed as: DirectedArcNumber / ( NodeNumber * (NodeNumber+1) ) Note that self-loops count twice. output=0.0 means that the graph hasn't any directed arcs (or the graph is empty). output=1.0 means that the graph is complete (with self-loops too). diameter(weights=False): return the diameter of graph, that is the length of the longest shortest path between any two nodes. Return -1 if the graph isn't connected, 0 if empty. If weights=True then arc weights count too. This is usually False. If you want to use weights, self-loops must be all present, and usually their weights must be 0. diameterRadius(weights=False): return the diameter and radius of graph, that is the maximum and minimum eccentricity of any node. Return (0,0) if the graph is empty. This is faster than calling both methods because it computes the eccentricity one time only. Return diameter=-1 if the graph isn't connected. Return radius=-1 if all the nodes are unconnected. If weights=True then arc weights count too. This is usually False. If you want to use weights, self-loops must be all present, and usually their weights must be 0. directedArcs(): return an unsorted list of all the directed arcs of the graph. In the result there aren't self-loops. eccentricity(node=None, weights=False): return the eccentricity of each node n of graph (that is the length of the longest shortest path from node), and a list of node mapping. If node is given return its eccentricity, without mapping, and return sys.maxint if the node isn't connected. If weights=True then arc weights count too. This is usually False. If you want to use weights, self-loops must be all present, and usually their weights must be 0. euclidify2d(): replace arc weights with the 2D Euclidean distance between incident nodes. nodeData must contain the x,y coordinate pair of all nodes. firstNode(): return an arbitrary node, without removing it, or None if the graph is empty. It uses the next() method of the nodes dictionary, so it usually returns the same node. fromAmatrix(amatrix, nodes=None, w=None, nodeData=None): clear the graph, and create a new graph based on the given (square) adjacency matrix. Parameters: - matrix can be a list of lists containing values that can be casted to True or False, a True means that there is an oriented arc. Otherwise amatrix can be a square 2D array of numarray (arcs are numbers !=0). - nodes is optional, it can be None, or it can be a Python list of hashable node IDs to be used to create the graph. If nodesID!=None, nodesID must be long as the side of the (square) amatrix. If nodesID=None, the nodes are created with ID as sequential integers starting from 0. - All the arcs can be created with the given weight w, or the default weight None. - nodeData is the optional value assigned as nodeData of all the created nodes. Default is None, it means no nodeData at all. Example: g = Graph() g.createRandom(range(100), 0.03, w=0, nodeData=1) matrix, xlabels, ylabels, title, mapping = g.aform() h = Graph() h.fromAmatrix(matrix, nodes=xlabels, w=0, nodeData=1) assert g == h fromMap(m, good=None, coords=True, w=1): clear the graph, and convert the given matrix m (list or tuple of list or tuples) into an undirected graph, with 4-connectivity. good is a given boolean function that returns True for the matrix elements to insert into the graph. Default: def good(x): return bool(x) If coords=True then nodeData of nodes contains (x,y) coordinates of the node in m. w is the arc weight for all undirected arcs created. Default=1. Example: m = [[1,1,1], [0,0,1], [0,1,1]] g.fromMap(m) print g ==> (0, 0)-(1, 0) (1, 0)-(2, 0) (1, 2)-(2, 2) (2, 0)-(2, 1) (2, 1)-(2, 2) getArcw(n1, n2): if the directed arc between n1 and n2 exists return its weight, otherwise raise KeyError. getNodeData(n): if the node n exists, return its nodeData, otherwise return None. hasArc(n1, n2): return True is the directed arc between n1 and n2 exists in the graph. hasLoops(): return True if the Graph has one or more loops. hasNode(n): return True if node n exists in the graph. You can also use 'n in g'. iform(): return the graph represented as the Incidence Matrix. It is a matrix M that represents the incidence of arcs to nodes in the graph. If the arc is directed from i to j, then M(i,k)=-1, and M(j,k)=1. In this implementation self-loops are represented with 2. See aform.__doc__ for the description of mat structure. inArcs(n): return the list of arcs (*,n). inDegree(node): return the number of arcs coming into a node. Self-loops are counted one time. Return 0 if the node isn't in the graph. inNodes(n): return the list of nodes with arcs to the node n. If n isn't present, return []. inOutNodes(n): return a list containing the nodes connected with arcs coming from the node n, followed by the nodes with arcs to the node n. If n isn't present, return []. inThroughCapacity(node): return the max in flow that may be received through the node. Return 0 by default. inboundDict(): return a dictionary. Its keys are all the nodes of the graph. Its values are sets of their inbound arcs. integerw(): return True if all arcs have int or long weights. Return True if there aren't arcs. intersection(other): return the intersection with a second graph. Weights/nodeData for shared arcs/nodes go into the intersection only if they are equal, otherwise they become None/absent. isBiregular(): return True if the graph is biregular. An empty graph is not biregular. A graph is biregular if it has unequal maximum and minimum degrees and every node has one of those two degrees. (The degree is the number of inbound + outbound arcs of a node, with loops counted twice). isConnected(): return true if the graph is connected. A graph is connected if there is a path connecting every pair of nodes. A graph that is not connected can be divided into connected components (disjoint connected subgraphs). isCubic(): return True if the graph is cubic. An empty graph is not cubic. A 3-regular graph is said to be cubic, or trivalent. A graph is k-regular if every vertex has degree k. The degree is the number of inbound + outbound arcs of a node, with loops counted twice). isEmbedded(): return True if all nodes of the graph have good 2D coordinates in their nodeData, otherwise return an error string message. Return True for an empty graph. isIndependentSet(nodes): a set of nodes in a graph is said to be an independent set of nodes if no two nodes in the set are adjacent. isIsomorphic(other, m): given another graph, and a dictionary m containing a partial (or complete) node mapping (from the other to the self graph), return True if the two graphs/subgraphs are isomorphic. All arc weights and nodeData are ignored. Ex: g = Graph() g.addArcs([ (3,1), (3,2), (3,7) ]) h = Graph() h.addArcs([ ("c","a"), ("c","d"), ("a",4) ]) m = { "d":1, "a":2, "c":3} assert g.isIsomorphic(h, m) == True isKregular(k): return True if the graph is k-regular. An empty graph is not regular. A graph is k-regular if every vertex has degree k. (The degree is the number of inbound + outbound arcs of a node, with loops counted twice). isomorphMap(other): return the mapping dictionary (from the other to the self graph) if the self graph is isomorphic to the other graph, otherwise return None. All arc weights and nodeData are ignored. This method is very slow, it can be used only for small graphs, up to about 12-13 nodes. For bigger graphs you can use Boost library: For even bigger graphs (up to 1000 nodes) you can use nauty by Brendan McKay: isOrientation(other): return True if the self graph is an orientation of the other graph. This means it returns True if: 1) Both graphs have one or more node. 2) The other graph is undirected and without self-loops (in this implementation, a graph is undirected if for each node1->node2 arc, the node2->node1 arc exists too). 3) The two graphs have exactly the same nodes. 4) For each pair of arcs in the other graph, there is exactly one oriented arc in the self graph. In self there aren't other arcs. Arc weights are ignored. isRegular(): return True if the graph is regular. An empty graph is not regular. A graph is regular if every vertex has the same degree. (The degree is the number of inbound + outbound arcs of a node, with loops counted twice). isTournament(): return True is the graph is a tournament. A tournament is a graph with exactly one oriented arc between each pair of nodes, and without self-loops. An empty graph isn't a tournament. isTrivalent(): the same as cubic() isUndirected(): return True if the graph is undirect. In directed graph, if there is an arc i,j with weight w, there there must be the arc j,i with the same weight w. isUndirectedArc(n1, n2): return True if between two nodes there are two arcs with the same weight. Return False otherwise. iview(): return a string with the graph represented as Incidence Matrix. It is a matrix M that represents the incidence of arcs to nodes in the graph. If the arc is directed from i to j, then M(i,k)=-1, and M(j,k)=1. In this implementation self-loops are represented with 2. See aform.__doc__ for more info. levelStructure(rootNode, weights=False): return the level structure of given root node. The result is a dictionary, keys=distances, values=nodes with that distance from rootNode, Example: {0: ["A"], 1: ["C"], 2: ["B", "D", "K"]} If weights=False then arc weights are meant as 1. Usually it is False. If you want to use weights, self-loops must be all present, and usually their weights must be 0. A level structure of a graph is a partition of the set of nodes (only nodes in the connected component of rootNode) into equivalence classes of nodes with the same distance from a given root node. See also: lform(): return a string with the graph represented as Adjacency List. vet is a tuple of: (vector, ylabels, title): - vector is the list of outbound neighbours and the weights (n2,w) for each node. - ylabels are lists usually containing node IDs. - title is the name of the representation (Adjacency List). load(fileName="graph.pik", compressed=False): load the graph with cPickle. If compressed=True, read the graph compresses with BZ2. loopCount(): return the number of nodes with an arc to themselves. lview(viewNodeData=False): return a string with the graph represented as Adjacency Lists. In each line there is a node (optionally followed by its nodeData), followed by its outbound arcs. makeUndirected(reconcile=None): make the graph undirected, duplicating isolated arcs. When there are already two arcs between two nodes, and their weights are different, it calls the given reconcile function, that takes two weights as input, and chooses which one to keep (or raises an exception when needed). If reconcile isn't given, then it uses the standard one that always raises an exception. Few possible alternative reconcile functions: from random import random def reconcile(w1, w2): # Random choose. if random() <= 0.5: return w1 else: return w2 Another possible: def reconcile(w1, w2): # Always choose the first. return w1 Another possible: def reconcile(w1, w2): # Average of two. return (w1+w2)/2 Another possible: def reconcile(w1, w2): # Weight = None return None makeUndirectArc(n1, n2, reconcile=None): make the already existing arc undirected, duplicating it if it's directed. Do nothing if they don't share an arc. When there are already two arcs between the two nodes, and their weights are different, it calls the given reconcile function (like the makeUndirected), that takes two weights as input, and chooses which one to keep (or raises an exception when needed). If reconcile isn't given, then it uses the standard one that always raises an exception. Few possible alternative reconcile functions: from random import random def reconcile(w1, w2): # Random choose. if random() <= 0.5: return w1 else: return w2 Another possible: def reconcile(w1, w2): # Always choose the first. return w1 Another possible: def reconcile(w1, w2): # Average of two. return (w1+w2)/2 Another possible: def reconcile(w1, w2): # Weight = None return None maxDegree(): return the maximum degree (the number of inbound + outbound arcs) of any node. maxThroughCapacity(): return the max flow that may be sent through any node of the graph. mostDistantNodes(node, weights=False): return a list of the nodes most distant from the given node (in the same connected component), and their distance (that is the eccentricity of node). Note that all nodes in the result have the same distance from node. If Weights=False then all arc weights are meant as 1. It is usually False. If you want to use weights, self-loops must be all present, and usually their weights must be 0. nodeIntersection(other): return the list of nodes shared between two graphs. nodes(): return an unsorted list of the IDs of all the nodes of the graph. order(): return the order of the graph, that is the number of its nodes. outArcs(n): return the list of arcs (n,*). outDegree(node): return the number of arcs coming from a node. Self-loops are counted one time. Return 0 if the node isn't in the graph. outNodes(n): return the list of nodes connected with arcs coming from the node n. If n isn't present, return []. outThroughCapacity(node): return the max out flow that may be given through the node. Return 0 by default. plot2d(arcs=True, nodes=True, plotRange=None, grid=None, axes=False, nodeLabels=True): plot the graph in 2D using node coordinates contained in nodeData. If arcs=False don't show arcs. If nodes=False don't show nodes. Directed arcs are blue, undirected arcs are black. Bidirectional arcs with different weights are black too. Self-loops are green. plotRange must be a sequence of 4 coordinates (minx, miny, maxx, maxy). plotRange=None ==> full auto. grid must be a number, representing the space between the grid lines. grid=None ==> no grid and axes. If axes=True show axes too. If NodeLabels=True show node IDs too beside nodes. popNode(): remove and return an arbitrary node of the graph. Raises IndexError if the graph is empty. pseudoperipheralNode(startNode=None): return one pseudo-peripheral node of the graph. A peripheral node is often hard to calculate, but sometimes a pseudo-peripheral node can be enough. As starting point it uses the given startNode, or the first node of the graph. See: radius(weights=False): return the radius of graph, that is the minimum eccentricity of any node. Return -1 if all the graph nodes are unconnected. If weights=True then arc weights count too. This is usually False. If you want to use weights, self-loops must be all present, and usually their weights must be 0. firstArc(): return an arbitrary arc, without removing it, or None if there aren't arcs. It uses the next() method of the nodes dictionary, so it usually returns the same node. randomCoords(randx=None, randy=None): assign random coordinates to all the nodes of the graph. randx and randy are optional given functions that generates the x and y coordinates (default is random). Examples: g.randomCoords( lambda:randint(0,100), lambda:randint(0,100) ) g.randomCoords(lambda:gauss(1,1), lambda:gauss(1,1)) randomw(randw=None): assign random weights to all the arcs of the graph. rand is an optional given function that generates the random weight (default is random). Example: g.randomw( lambda:randint(1,6) ) realw(): return True if all arcs have int, long or float weights. Return True if there aren't arcs. renameNode(oldnode, newnode): copy old node with a new name (not already present), then delete the old node (this is a slow operation). renameNodes(trans): renames nodeIDs using a trans translation dictionary. trans.keys() are the old nodeIDs, and trans.values() are new NodeIDs. renameNodes is faster than many calls to renameNode. reverseArc(n1, n2): invert the direction of a single arc, or both bidirectional arcs, between node n1 and n2. save(fileName="graph.pik", compressed=False): save the graph with cPickle. if compressed=True, compresses the graph with BZ2 (compresslevel=3). In some situations it doesn't work, for example: g = Graph() g.addNode(1, nodeData=lambda:0) Now g.nodeData is: {1: at 0xhhhhhhhh>} This nodeData cannot be saved in the file. saveDot(fileName="", nodeLabels=True, arcLabels=False, hideArcLabel=None, nodeDataLabels=False, colorConnectedComponents=False): save the graph in a file suitable for Graphviz, a program for visualising graphs: If nodeLabels=True show node labels too as a string. If arcLabels=True show weights too as labels (but don't show weights equal to hideArcLabel). If nodeDataLabels=True, show nodeData too (under node IDs) as a string. If colorConnectedComponents=True use a different node color for each connected component. Ex: def savegraph(f, nl=True): g.saveDot(fileName=f+".dot", nodeLabels=nl, arcLabels=False, hideArcLabel="a", nodeDataLabels=True, colorConnectedComponents=True)"neato -Tpng -o" + f + ".png " + f + ".dot") g = graph.Graph() g.addClique(range(8), w="a", loops=True) savegraph("clique", nl=False) g.createRandom(range(28), 0.023, nodeData="hello") savegraph("random") g.createNcube(4) savegraph("tesseract") g.create2dGrid(range(49), 7) savegraph("2dgrid7x7", nl=False) savePajek(fileName=""): save the graph in format readable by Pajek: setArcw(n1, n2, neww): if the directed arc between n1 and n2 is present, then updates its weight w. short(self, out=True, showw=False, hidew=None, all=False, separator=" "): a short representation of the graph without nodeData. You can use ushort for an even shorter representation of undirected graphs. out=True shows only the outbound arcs of each node. out=False shows only the inbound arcs of each node. If showw=True show weights too (separated by /), but don't show weights equal to hidew. separator is the string that separates the nodes. If all=False and the graph is very big, it shows just a shortened representation. If all=True then it forces to show all the graph. Note that > means outbound, < inbound arcs, and - means bidirectional ones for undirected graphs. For exampe, this graph (as adjacency matrix): 0 1 2 0: | 0 1 1 | 1: | 1 0 1 | 2: | 1 1 0 | Prints as: 0-1,2 1-2 shortestPath(n1, n2, weights=True): return the shortest path (based on arc weights) between two given nodes, using a Dijkstra algorithm (at the moment from an external module). If weights=False then all arc weights are meant as 1. If you want to use weights, self-loops must be all present, and usually their weights must be 0. g.shortestPath(n,n) ==> [n] Dijkstra's algorithm is only guaranteed to work correctly when all arc weights are positive. return dijkstra.shortestPath(self.o, n1, n2) shortestPaths(n, weights=True): return the shortest paths (based on arc weights) from a given node to each other node, using a Dijkstra algorithm (from an external module). The output is a pair (D,P) where D[v] is the distance from start to v and P[v] is the predecessor of v along the shortest path from s to v. If weights=False then all arc weights are meant as 1. If you want to use weights, self-loops must be all present, and usually their weights must be 0. Dijkstra's algorithm is only guaranteed to work correctly when all arc weights are positive. size(): return the size of the graph, that is the number of its arcs (equal to len(graph)). springCoords(iterations=50, restart=False): spring force model layout. iterations: number of iteration of the algorigh, the more the better is the result, but it requires more time. restart: if it's False then it uses the coordinates of the nodes (stored in nodeData). This is useful to apply springLayout more than one time, until results are good enough. startNodes(): return the set of all the nodes of the graph without any incoming arcs. stats(): return a list containing some statistics about the graph. subUpdate(other): update the graph deleting nodes and arcs present in a second graph. subgraphExtract(nodes): return a subgraph of the graph, containing only nodes from nodes sequence (and contained in the graph), with only the arcs between such elements. sumPathw(path): given a sequence of nodes, return the summed weight of the path. All arc weights must have __add__ defined (like int, long, float, basestring, complex), otherwise an error is raised. If path is empty, or len(path)==1, return None. Example: g = Graph() g.addArcs( [("a","b",1), ("b","c",0.5)] ) print g.sumPathw( "abc" ) ==> 1.5 print g.sumPathw( "ab" ) ==> 1 print g.sumPathw( "a" ) ==> None sumw(): return the sum of the weights of all arcs. NOTE: weights must be int, long or float, otherwise an error is raised. You can use integerw or realw to test it before. sview: a sinonym of short method. textLoad(fileName="graph.txt"): load graph from text file. textSave(fileName="graph.txt"): save graph in a text file, with a simple method. In some situations it doesn't work, for example: g = Graph() g.addNode(1, nodeData=lambda:0) Now g.nodeData is: {1: at 0xhhhhhhhh>} This nodeData cannot be saved in the textual file. throughCapacity(node): return the max flow that may be sent through the node. It's the min of inThroughCapacity and outThroughCapacity. toposort(): return a list with the topological sorting of nodes. NOTE: if this returns a list with less nodes than the graph, then the graph contains one or more cycles. transpose(): return the transposed of the graph, that is the directed graph with all the arcs reversed (this operation is nearly instantaneous for this implementation). undirectedArcs(): return an unsorted list of all the undirected arcs of the graph. In the result there is only one arc (randomly chosen) for each undirected arc, and self-loops too. An arc is undirected if there is only an arc between two nodes, or if there are two but the tweir weights are different. ushort(self, showw=False, hidew=None, all=False, separator=" "): a short representation of the undirected graph without nodeData. Arcs are shown only once (use the method "short" to see all arcs twice). In this class ushort is the standard textual representation of the graph. If showw=True it shows weights too (separated by /), but it doesn't show weights equal to hidew. separator is the string that separates the nodes. If all=False and the graph is very big, it shows just a shortened representation. If all=True then it forces to show all the graph. Note that > means outbound, < inbound arcs, and - means bidirectional ones for undirected graphs. For exampe, this graph (as adjacency matrix): 0 1 2 0: | 0 1 1 | 1: | 1 0 1 | 2: | 1 1 0 | Prints as: 0-1,2 1-2 viewStats(): call the stats method, and return a formatted string containing some statistics on the graph. wform(): return the graph represented as Adjacency Matrix, but with arc weights instead of binary values. See aform.__doc__ for the description of mat structure and the Adjacency Matrix. wview(): return a string with the graph represented as Adjacency Matrix, but with arc weights instead of binary values. See aform.__doc__ for more info. xBFSstartNode, sort=False, direction=1): iterable breadth-first search list of nodes starting from the given node. If sort==True then it sorts the nodes at each step (gives an error on unsortable node IDs). direction= 1 normal (downward) BFS use outgoing arcs. direction=-1 backward BFS use incoming arcs. direction= 0 bidirectional BFS use incoming and outgoing arcs. xDFS(startNode, sort=False, direction=1): iterable depth-first search list of nodes, starting from the given node. If sort==True then it sorts the nodes at each step (gives an error on unsortable node IDs). direction= 1 normal (downward) BFS use outgoing arcs. direction=-1 backward BFS use incoming arcs. direction= 0 bidirectional BFS use incoming and outgoing arcs. xarcs(): return an iterator on all the unsorted arcs of the graph, without weights. Its elements are (n1,n2). xarcsw(): return an iterator on all the unsorted arcs of the graph, with weights. Its elements are (n1,n2,w). xinArcs(n): return the iterable of arcs (*,n). xinNodes(n): return the iterable of nodes with arcs to the node n. If n isn't present, return []. xinOutNodes(n): return an iterable of the nodes connected with arcs coming from the node n, chained with the iterable of nodes with arcs to the node n. If n isn't present, return []. xnodes(): return an unsorted iterable of the IDs of all the nodes of the graph. xoutArcs(n): return the iterable of arcs (n,*). xoutNodes(n): return the iterable of nodes connected with arcs coming from the node n. If n isn't present, return []. xselectNodeData(nodeData): return an iterable of all the nodes with predicate(nodeData)==True. Ex: xselectNodeData(lambda nd: isinstance(nd, (tuple,list)) and len(nd)=2 ) Another example to select nodes without nodeData: xselectNodeData( lambda nd: nd==None ) xselectw(predicate=bool): return an iterable of all the arcs with predicate(w)==True. Ex: xselectw(lambda w: w>=12)