/* Thermistor The TinkerKit Thermistor Module [T00020] is hooked up on I0. Three values are displayed on the Serial Monitor every second: - the value between 0 and 1023 that represent the Analog Input reading - the temperature expressed in Celsius degrees - the temperature expressed in Fahrenheit dedegrees created 29 Nov 2011 by Federico Vanzati This example code is in the public domain. */ // include the TinkerKit library #include TKThermistor therm(I0); // creating the object 'therm' that belongs to the 'TKThermistor' class // and giving the value to the desired output pin float C, F; // temperature readings are returned in float format void setup() { // initialize serial communications at 9600 bps Serial.begin(9600); } void loop() { C = therm.getCelsius(); // Reading the temperature in Celsius degrees and store in the C variable F = therm.getFahrenheit(); // Reading the temperature in Fahrenheit degrees and store in the F variable // Print the collected data in a row on the Serial Monitor Serial.print("Analog reading: \t"); // Reading the analog value from the thermistor Serial.print(therm.get()); Serial.print("\tC: \t"); Serial.print(C); Serial.print("\tF: \t"); Serial.println(F); delay(1000); // Wait one second before get another temperature reading }