/* Tilt Sensor Turns on and off a T010111 LED Module connected to O0, triggered by a T000190 Tilt Sensor attached to I0. created 2005 by DojoDave modified 17 Jun 2009 by Tom Igoe modified 7 dec 2010 by Davide Gomba modified 29 Nov 2011 by Priya Kuber & Federico Vanzati This example code is in the public domain. */ // include the TinkerKit library #include TKTiltSensor tilt(I0); // creating the object 'tilt' that belongs to the 'TKTiltSensor' class // and giving the value to the desired input pin TKLed led(O0); // creating the object 'led' that belongs to the 'TKLed' class // and giving the value to the desired output pin void setup() { // The 'objects' created above, eleminates the need for pinMode(). } void loop(){ // check if the tilt Sensor is tilted. if (tilt.get() == HIGH) { // if it is, the tilt.state() is HIGH led.on(); // turn LED on } else { // if it is not, the tilt.state() is LOW led.off(); // turn LED off } }