Library * In SQL table are books (title, author, year). It is possible to add, search and sort them via web. * Separate table is for library users (username, password, birthyear), third table for loans (book_id, user_id, starttime, endtime). Each user can see, which books are in his hand. * User can search and loan available books. Administrator can see statistics - which user have how many loaned books, which are more popular loaned books. Doors security * In database table are described doors in house - id, description. Second table for magnetic cards for this house - id, username. Tables can be edited via web. * Third table gives rights - which card can open which door. Administrator can add and remove rights via web. User see list of doors and select one door. After entering card number, application answers, can he enter the door or not. * Some doors are available to all valid card holders. Cards have expiring date. Administrator can see statistics, which doors are more popular and who uses them. Eurovision voting * In SQL table are list of songs and countries. Data will be searchable and sortable via web. * Separate table is for countries, each country can log in. Third table is for points - which place (and how many points) gives logged in country to other countries songs. * System will care, that each country can give place to other country only one time per country and place. Special web page for toplist - and possibility to see, who give points to who.