// main.cpp: implementation of the main class. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "Line.h" #include "Pixel.h" #include int main1(int argc, char* argv[]) { int x, y; cout << "x ja y" <>x >>y; Point p(x, y); //p.SetxVal(x); //p.SetyVal(y); p.tulosta(); Point p2(1.0f); p2.tulosta(); cout << Point::GetLkm() <tulosta(); (*lp).tulosta(); delete (lp); // stl.tulosta(); getch(); return 0; } int main3(){ Point p1(1, 3); Point p2(2, 4); Point p3=p1+p2; p3.tulosta(); p3++; ++p3; cout << p1 << p3 << p3[0] <tulosta(); } getch(); return 0; }