An expert is an expert because he understands the present hole better anyone else ex the fellow expert, with whom it is necessary to disagree in order that there can be as many experts as there are disagreements - for among the experts a hierarchy can then emerge. An expert may even have contributed towards the shape of the hole. For such reasons experts are not usually the first to leap oat of the hole that accords them their expert status, to start digging elsewhere. It would be even more unthinkable for an expert to climb out of the hole only to sit around consider where to start another hole. Nor are experts eager to express their expertise as dissatisfaction with the hole, for dissatisfaction is too easily expressed and often more forcibly, by many others who have not earned the right to be dissatisfied So experts are usually to be found happily at the bottom of the deepest hole often so deep it hardly seems worth getting out of them to look around.


The YES-NO system

The basis of old style thinking system has been effective i.e. increase in technical progress