# $Id: CourseContext.py,v 1.89 2002/08/27 09:08:34 jmp Exp $ # Copyright 2001, 2002 by Fle3 Team and contributors # # This file is part of Fle3. # # Fle3 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Fle3 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Fle3; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA """Contains class CourseContext, which represents one part of a Course.""" __version__ = "$Revision: 1.89 $"[11:-2] import OFS, Globals import AccessControl import re, string, types from Thread import Thread, EventManager from common import reload_dtml, add_dtml, intersect_bool, make_action, get_roles from input_checks import strip_all, render, is_valid_title, \ normal_entry_tags_and_link from TraversableWrapper import TraversableWrapper, Traversable from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo from NoteDTML import NoteDTML from Cruft import Cruft from TempObjectManager import TempObjectManager from common import perm_view, perm_edit, perm_manage, perm_add_lo from XmlRpcApi import CourseContextXMLRPC import Course # CourseContexts exist inside Courses. Each course has at least one # context, since contexts in turn can contain Notes that form # knowledge building threads. class CourseContext( EventManager, TraversableWrapper, Traversable, Cruft, Thread, NoteDTML, TempObjectManager, CourseContextXMLRPC, ): """Course Context.""" meta_type = 'CourseContext' dtml_files = ( #('repr_norm', '', # 'ui/CourseContext/repr_norm'), #('index_html', '', # 'ui/CourseContext/index_html'), # NB: this is here just because Thread.ThreadContainer.iterate_note # NB: needs a repr attribute to print for each Thread object it # NB: prints. #('repr', '', # 'ui/CourseContext/repr'), #('repr_in_course', '', # 'ui/CourseContext/repr_in_course'), ) security = ClassSecurityInfo() security.declareObjectPublic() # Call courses/context_html (This way we avoid copying index_html # to each instance of CourseContext class.) security.declareProtected(perm_view, 'index_html') def index_html(self, REQUEST): """index_html page.""" self.update_reader(str(REQUEST.AUTHENTICATED_USER)) return self.courses.context_html(self, REQUEST) # @tts_name: id of the global knowledge type set that should # be copied to this context. If set to '' or None, nothing is # copied. def __init__( self, parent, my_name, description, descr_long, tts_name, author): """Construct the course context object.""" Thread.__init__(self, parent) EventManager.__init__(self) NoteDTML.__init__(self) self.__name = strip_all(my_name) # Get rid of possible HTML tags # Variables description and descr_long are not filtered because # render_description() and get_long_description() methods do the # filtering... (Why? To make it slower? At least this way it is # easier to change tags that are filtered afterwards.) self.__description = description self.__author = author # Adds long course context description. # # Why don't we just use self.descr_long ? Is it too simple solution? ;) # (ik/16.1.2002) if not descr_long: descr_long = ' ' self.manage_addDTMLDocument('descr_long', '', descr_long) # Select the thinking type set to use for this course context. if tts_name: h = parent.fle_root().typesets if not h.is_valid_tts(tts_name): raise 'FLE Error', 'Non-existing thinking type set to use for Course Context.' # Store the name, even if it's None self._tt_set_id = tts_name for tup in self.dtml_files: add_dtml(self, tup) security.declarePrivate('manage_afterAdd') def manage_afterAdd(self, item, container): """Set default permissions for different roles.""" from common import roles_student, roles_tutor, roles_teacher from common import roles_admin self.manage_permission(perm_manage, roles_admin, 0) self.manage_permission(perm_edit, roles_teacher+('Owner',), 0) self.manage_permission(perm_add_lo, roles_student, 0) self.manage_permission(perm_view, roles_student, 0) if self._tt_set_id: # Make a real copy of the global typeset. tt_set = getattr(self.typesets, self._tt_set_id) self._setObject( self._tt_set_id, tt_set.make_copy()) TempObjectManager.manage_afterAdd(self, item, container) security.declareProtected(perm_view, 'get_author') def get_author(self): """Return author name.""" return self.__author security.declareProtected(perm_view, 'may_edit_course_context') def may_edit_course_context(self, person): """Return boolean depending on whether person can edit the course context or not.""" from AccessControl.PermissionRole import rolesForPermissionOn return intersect_bool( get_roles(self,person), rolesForPermissionOn(perm_edit,self)) # No additional comments. security.declareProtected(perm_manage, 'reload_dtml') def reload_dtml(self, REQUEST=None): """Reload dtml files from the file system.""" NoteDTML.reload_dtml(self) reload_dtml(self, self.dtml_files) if REQUEST: self.get_lang(('common','kb'),REQUEST) return self.message_dialog( self, REQUEST, title=REQUEST['L_dtml_reloaded'], message=REQUEST['L_dtml_files_reloaded'], action='index_html') security.declareProtected(perm_view, 'get_n_notes') def get_n_notes(self): """Return number of notes in this CourseContext.""" n = 0 for note in self.get_children('Note'): n += note.get_n_notes() return n # This is a stub that is needed, because when a note is published, it # will call its parent's uncache_notes method. When a new thread is # started, the call ends up here. def uncache_notes(self): pass security.declareProtected(perm_view, 'get_n_unread_notes') def get_n_unread_notes(self, uname): """Return number of unread notes in this CourseContext for given user.""" n = 0 for note in self.get_children('Note'): n += note.get_n_unread_notes(uname) return n security.declareProtected(perm_view, 'get_printable_name') # No additional comments. def get_printable_name(self): """Return name of the CourseContext""" return self.__name security.declareProtected(perm_view, 'get_possible_follow_ups') def get_possible_follow_ups(self): return self.get_thinking_type_thread_start() security.declareProtected(perm_view, 'get_thinking_type_thread_start') def get_thinking_type_thread_start(self): """Gives list of thinking types that can start a thread.""" tts = self.get_thinking_type_set() return tts.get_thinking_type_thread_start() security.declareProtected(perm_view, 'get_thinking_type_set') def get_thinking_type_set(self): """Return ThinkingTypeSet object.""" return self.get_child(self._tt_set_id) security.declareProtected(perm_view, 'get_thinking_type_set_id') def get_thinking_type_set_id(self): """Return ThinkingTypeSet id.""" return self._tt_set_id security.declareProtected(perm_view, 'get_name') # No additional comments. def get_name(self): """Return name.""" return self.__name security.declareProtected(perm_view, 'get_description') # No additional comments. def get_description(self): """Return description.""" return self.__description security.declareProtected(perm_view,'render_description') def render_description(self): """Render description.""" return render( self.get_description(), legal_tags=normal_entry_tags_and_link) security.declareProtected(perm_view, 'get_long_description') # No additional comments. def get_long_description(self): """Return description.""" return self._getOb('descr_long')() security.declareProtected(perm_view, 'is_long_description_empty') def is_long_description_empty(self): """Does long description contain only white space?""" return self.get_long_description().strip() == '' security.declareProtected(perm_view,'render_long_description') def render_long_description(self): """Render long description.""" return render( self.get_long_description(), legal_tags=normal_entry_tags_and_link) ## security.declareProtected(perm_view, 'get_title') ## # No additional comments. ## def get_title(self): ## """Return title.""" ## return self.title security.declareProtected(perm_view, 'get_course_ref') def get_course_ref(self): """Return reference to the course of this CourseContext.""" return self.find_class_obj(Course.Course) # The following three ugly utility functions are called from dtml files # to help constructing sensible URLs in Knowledge building. security.declarePublic('get_url1') # Called from ui/CourseContext/repr_norm.dtml def get_url1(self, REQUEST): """Return url to the course context object.""" url = REQUEST.URL0 m = re.match("^(.*/courses/.*?/.*?)/.", url) return m.group(1) security.declarePublic('get_url2') # Called from ui/CourseContext/repr_in_course.dtml # Actual final view: index_html of Course def get_url2(self, REQUEST, course_context_id): """Return url to the course context object.""" url = REQUEST.URL1 return url + "/" + course_context_id security.declarePublic('get_url3') # Called from ui/CourseManager/course_context_location_path.dtml def get_url3(self, REQUEST): """Return URL to the course object.""" url = REQUEST.URL0 m = re.match("^(.*/courses/.*?)/", url) return m.group(1) security.declarePublic('is_temporary') def is_temporary(self): """This is here to diguise CourseContext objects as Note objects. ;)""" return 0 security.declareProtected(perm_edit, 'edit_course_context') def edit_course_context(self, REQUEST, my_name = '', description = '', description_long = '', delete = '', cancel = '', # submit buttons publish = '', # ): """Handler for ui/CourseContext/edit_course_context_form.dtml.""" if delete: self.get_lang(('common', 'coursemgmnt'),REQUEST) return self.message_dialog2( self, REQUEST, title = REQUEST['L_confirmation'], message = REQUEST['L_are_you_sure_ctx'] + ' ' + \ self.get_name(), handler = 'delete_form_handler', extra_value_name = 'ctx_id', extra_values = (self.get_id(),), option1_value = REQUEST['L_cancel'], option1_name = 'cancel', option2_value = REQUEST['L_ok'], option2_name = 'delete' ) elif publish: error_fields = [] errors = [] self.get_lang(('common', 'kb'), REQUEST) my_name = my_name.strip() if not is_valid_title(my_name): error_fields.append(REQUEST['L_title_of_context']) if my_name != self.get_name() and \ my_name in [x[1] for x in self.get_course_context_names()]: errors.append(REQUEST['L_name_taken'] % my_name) # Variables 'description' and 'description_long' are not checked # because render_description() and render_long_description() # methods filter out unwanted HTML tags. if len(error_fields) > 0 or len(errors) > 0: msg = ", ".join(errors) if len(error_fields) > 0: msg = msg + "
" + REQUEST['L_invalid_fields'] + \ ": '" + "' , '".join(error_fields) + "'" return self.message_dialog_error( self, REQUEST, title=REQUEST['L_invalid_input'], message=msg, action=apply( make_action, ['edit_course_context_form'] + [(x, eval(x)) for x in ('my_name', 'description', 'description_long')])) self.__name = my_name self.__description = description # Edit long course context description. description_long_ob = self._getOb('descr_long') description_long_ob.manage_edit(description_long, 'description_long') return REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect( self.state_href(REQUEST, 'index_html')) elif cancel: return REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect( self.state_href(REQUEST, 'index_html')) else: raise 'FLE error', 'Unknown button' security.declareProtected(perm_edit, 'delete_form_handler') def delete_form_handler( self, REQUEST, delete='', cancel='', ): """Form handler that is called from message_dialog2.""" if delete: id_ = self.get_id() self.parent()._delObject(id_) return REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect(self.state_href_remove_from_list(REQUEST, "../index_html", 'cc_order' + self.parent().get_id(), id_)) else: return REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect(self.state_href(REQUEST, "index_html")) def touchgraph_data(self): data=self.write_touchgraph_data(self,"CONTEXT","Note") set = self.get_thinking_type_set() for tt in set.get_thinking_types(): data=data+tt.touchgraph_data() for note in self.objectValues("Note"): data=data+note.touchgraph_data() return data Globals.InitializeClass(CourseContext) # EOF