# $Id: Note.py,v 1.123 2002/08/30 16:52:55 tarmo Exp $ # Copyright 2001, 2002 by Fle3 Team and contributors # # This file is part of Fle3. # # Fle3 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Fle3 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Fle3; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA """Contains class Note, which represents a note in a knowledge building conversation.""" __version__ = "$Revision: 1.123 $"[11:-2] import copy, time, re, string, urllib, types from urllib import quote_plus import OFS, Globals from Globals import Persistent from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo from Products.ZCatalog.CatalogAwareness import CatalogAware from common import reload_dtml, add_dtml, intersect_bool, get_roles from input_checks import strip_all, strip_tags, \ is_valid_url, is_valid_title from Thread import Thread, EventManager from TraversableWrapper import TraversableWrapper, Traversable from Cruft import Cruft from NoteDTML import NoteDTML from TempObjectManager import TempObjectManager from common import perm_view, perm_edit, perm_manage, perm_add_lo from XmlRpcApi import NoteXMLRPC import CourseContext allowed_tags_in_notes = ('p','br','i','b','blockquote') #All knowledge building entries are Notes. #Each Course consists of one or more CourseContexts, of which each #can contain discussion threads (or problems). A note object is used #to start each thread and also for each successive reply to a thread. class Note( CatalogAware, TraversableWrapper, Traversable, Cruft, EventManager, Thread, NoteDTML, TempObjectManager, NoteXMLRPC, ): """Note in Knowledge Building.""" meta_type = 'Note' dtml_files = ( #('repr', '', 'ui/Note/repr'), ) security = ClassSecurityInfo() security.declareObjectPublic() # Call courses/note_html (This way we avoid copying index_html # to each instance of Note class.) # # If index_html is handled normally through acquisition we could # probably just delete this method, which would move execution up the # acquisition tree to CourseContext or Course (or even CourseManager). # But they need their own index_htmls. Should we have a separate # subclass of Note for thread starters, which would contain all necessary # DTML methods and other UI related methods that notes need? security.declareProtected(perm_view, 'index_html') def index_html(self, REQUEST): """Default script - redirects to CourseManager's note_html script.""" self.update_reader(repr(REQUEST.AUTHENTICATED_USER)) self.uncache_unread_notes(repr(REQUEST.AUTHENTICATED_USER)) return self.fle_root().courses.note_html(self, REQUEST) # @parent: the object under which the note will be created # @author: the author's user id # @subject: subject/topic # @body: the body of the note (string) # @tt_ref: the ThinkingType (object reference, not id) # @url: url to include in the note (optional) # @url_name: label for url (optional) # @image_data: image to include in the note (form upload) (optional) # @image_name: label for image (optional) def __init__( self, parent, author, subject, body, tt_ref, url='', url_name='', image_data=None, image_name='', creation_time=None): """Construct the note object.""" # This is called when generating the Preview as well as when Publishing # the note. The constructor therefore cannot make any incremental # changes to the note's contents as the contents are reread several times # and fed into new Note objects. self.set_creation_time(creation_time) Thread.__init__(self, parent) # Takes care of id and title. EventManager.__init__(self) NoteDTML.__init__(self) self.default_catalog = 'catalog_notes' self.set_author(author) self.set_subject(subject) self.set_body(body) self.tt_ref = tt_ref self.tts_ref = tt_ref.parent() self.set_url(url) self.set_url_name(url_name) self.censored=0 #self.image_data = copy.copy(image_data) if image_data and image_data.filename: self.set_image_data(image_data.read()) try: self.set_image_content_type(image_data.headers['content-type']) except KeyError: self.set_image_content_type('') self.set_image_name(image_name) else: self.set_image_data(None) self.set_image_content_type('') self.set_image_name('') # Note objects are temporary by default. self.set_temporary(1) for tup in self.dtml_files: add_dtml(self, tup) security.declarePrivate('manage_afterAdd') def manage_afterAdd(self, item, container): """Set default permissions for roles.""" from common import roles_student, roles_tutor, roles_teacher from common import roles_admin self.manage_permission(perm_manage, roles_admin, 0) self.manage_permission(perm_edit, roles_teacher, 0) self.manage_permission(perm_add_lo, roles_student, 0) self.manage_permission(perm_view, roles_student, 0) TempObjectManager.manage_afterAdd(self, item, container) if not self.is_temporary(): self.index_object() # FIXME: This is not too beautiful... but seems to work OK. def manage_beforeDelete(self, item, container): pass security.declareProtected(perm_view, 'get_render_body') def get_render_body(self,REQUEST): """Return body with some modification so that in can be safely used in HTML pages.""" prefix="" if self.censored: if REQUEST: uname = str(REQUEST.AUTHENTICATED_USER) self.get_lang(('common','kb'),REQUEST) stamp = time.strftime(REQUEST['L_short_date_format'],time.localtime(self.censored)) prefix= REQUEST['L_censored_body'] % (self.censorer, stamp) else: prefix = "CENSORED!" uname='' # If the person is not the author and is not a teacher, we only show # the prefix (the censored notice) if uname!=self.get_author() and \ not self.may_censor_note(uname): return prefix # Add a horizontal rule between the prefix and the note body. prefix = prefix+"
" # If the body isn't pre-rendered, we'll render it and store the result. if not hasattr(self,'__render_body'): from input_checks import render, normal_entry_tags self.__render_body = render( self.get_body(), legal_tags=normal_entry_tags, #ignore_whitespace_magic is default:

do_horizontal_space=1, ) return prefix + self.__render_body security.declareProtected(perm_view, 'get_creation_time') def get_creation_time(self): """Returns the creation time.""" return self.__creation_time security.declareProtected(perm_add_lo, 'set_creation_time') def set_creation_time(self, time_=0.0): """Set note creation time.""" # This is metadata, and should be handled by zodb. Why do we bother # adding our own layer of bugs here? -granbo # 'cause we don't bother RTFM! --tarmo if not time_: self.__creation_time = time.time() else: if type(time_) is not types.FloatType: raise 'FLE Error', "Argument to Note.set_creation_time is not float type! (%s)" % (str(type(time_))) self.__creation_time = time_ security.declareProtected(perm_view, 'get_printable_creation_day') def get_printable_creation_day(self,REQUEST): """Return the creation day in printable format.""" return self.get_printable_day(self.get_creation_time(),REQUEST) security.declareProtected(perm_view, 'get_printable_creation_time') def get_printable_creation_time(self,REQUEST): """Return the creation time in printable format.""" return self.get_printable_time(self.get_creation_time(),REQUEST) security.declareProtected(perm_view, 'get_printable_name') # No additional comments. def get_printable_name(self,REQUEST): """Return subject of the Note.""" return self.get_subject(REQUEST) security.declareProtected(perm_view, 'get_body') # No additional comments. def get_body(self): """Return body.""" return self.__body security.declareProtected(perm_manage, 'set_body') def set_body(self, body): """Set the note body.""" self.__body = body def get_name(self): return self.get_subject() security.declareProtected(perm_view, 'get_subject') # No additional comments. def get_subject(self,REQUEST=None): """Return subject.""" prefix = "" if self.censored: if REQUEST: uname = str(REQUEST.AUTHENTICATED_USER) self.get_lang(('kb',),REQUEST) prefix = REQUEST['L_censored_subject'] else: prefix = "CENSORED" uname='' # If the person is not the author and is not a teacher, # we only show the prefix (the censored notice) if uname!=self.get_author() and \ not self.may_censor_note(uname): return prefix prefix = prefix + " / " return prefix + self.__subject # Used when we want the real subject, not the possibly censored one. def get_real_subject(self): return self.__subject security.declareProtected(perm_add_lo, 'set_subject') def set_subject(self, subject): """Set the note subject.""" self.__subject = strip_tags(subject, []) security.declareProtected(perm_view, 'get_author') # No additional comments. def get_author(self): """Return author.""" return self.__author security.declareProtected(perm_add_lo, 'set_author') def set_author(self, author): """Set the note author.""" self.__author = author security.declareProtected(perm_view, 'get_author_ref') def get_author_ref(self): """Return reference to author UserInfo object.""" return self.fle_users.get_user_info(self.get_author()) security.declareProtected(perm_view, 'get_url') # No additional comments. def get_url(self,REQUEST=None): """Return URL.""" if self.censored: if REQUEST: uname = str(REQUEST.AUTHENTICATED_USER) else: uname='' if uname!=self.get_author() and \ not self.may_censor_note(uname): return '' if self.__url and self.__url != 'http://': return self.__url else: return '' security.declareProtected(perm_add_lo, 'set_url') def set_url(self, url): """Set url.""" self.__url = strip_tags(url, []) security.declareProtected(perm_view, 'get_url_name') # No additional comments. def get_url_name(self): """Return name of the URL.""" return self.__url_name security.declareProtected(perm_add_lo, 'set_url_name') def set_url_name(self, url_name): """Set the url name.""" self.__url_name = strip_tags(url_name, []) security.declareProtected(perm_view, 'get_course_context_url') # No additional comments. def get_course_context_url(self, REQUEST): """Return the URL of the course context containing this note.""" url = REQUEST.URL0 # FIXME: we could use (un)restrictedTraverse to locate the context m = re.match("(.*?courses/.*?/.*?)/.*?", url) url = m.group(1) + "?" + REQUEST.QUERY_STRING return url security.declareProtected(perm_view, 'has_image') # No additional comments. def has_image(self,REQUEST=None): """Return whether the note has an image.""" if self.censored: if REQUEST: uname = str(REQUEST.AUTHENTICATED_USER) else: uname='' if uname!=self.get_author() and \ not self.may_censor_note(uname): return 0 return not self.get_image_data() is None security.declareProtected(perm_view, 'is_starting_note') def is_starting_note(self): """Return whether this is node that starts a thread.""" return isinstance(self.parent(), CourseContext.CourseContext) security.declareProtected(perm_view, 'get_image_data') # If the REQUEST parameter is specified (ie. this method is called # directly from an http request), we'll set the content-type of # the http response to match the image's content type. def get_image_data(self, REQUEST=None): """Return raw image data.""" if REQUEST: REQUEST.RESPONSE.setHeader('content-type', self.get_image_content_type()) return self.__image_data security.declareProtected(perm_add_lo, 'set_image_data') def set_image_data(self, image_data): """Set the note image data.""" self.__image_data = image_data security.declareProtected(perm_view, 'get_image_content_type') def get_image_content_type(self): return self.__image_content_type security.declareProtected(perm_add_lo, 'set_image_content_type') def set_image_content_type(self, image_content_type): """Set note image content type.""" self.__image_content_type = image_content_type security.declareProtected(perm_view, 'get_image_name') # No additional comments. def get_image_name(self): """Return image name.""" return self.__image_name security.declareProtected(perm_add_lo, 'set_image_name') def set_image_name(self, image_name): """Set note image name.""" self.__image_name = strip_tags(image_name, []) security.declareProtected(perm_view, 'get_tt_icon') # No additional comments. def get_tt_icon(self): """Return thinking type icon.""" return self.tt_ref.get_icon() security.declarePrivate('set_tt') def set_tt(self,tt_ref): self.tt_ref=tt_ref # This is not too beautiful... def __get_tt_icon_url(self, REQUEST): """Return url for thinking type icon.""" cc = self.find_course_context() tts = cc.get_thinking_type_set() retval = '' retval += cc.get_url2(REQUEST,cc.get_id()) retval += '/' + tts.get_id() retval += '/' + self.get_tt_id() retval += '/type_icon' return retval security.declareProtected(perm_view, 'get_tt_icon_tag') # No additional comments. def get_tt_icon_tag(self, REQUEST): """Return html img tag that displays thinking type icon.""" # So let's do the img tag ourselves, (yes we loose # width and height attributes...) --jmp 2001-10-10 url = self.__get_tt_icon_url(REQUEST) return '' % url security.declareProtected(perm_view, 'get_tt_id') # No additional comments. def get_tt_id(self): """Return thinking type id.""" return self.tt_ref.get_id() security.declareProtected(perm_view, 'get_tt_name') # No additional comments. def get_tt_name(self): """Return thingking type name.""" return self.tt_ref.get_name() security.declareProtected(perm_view, 'get_possible_follow_ups') def get_possible_follow_ups(self): """Return thinking types that can follow Note's thinking type.""" return self.get_thinking_type_set().get_possible_follow_ups(self.tt_ref) security.declareProtected(perm_view, 'get_tt_abbreviation') # This method is not used yet... def get_tt_abbreviation(self): """Return thinking type abbreviation.""" return self.tt_ref.get_abbreviation() security.declareProtected(perm_view, 'get_tt_colour') def get_tt_colour(self): """Return thinking type colour.""" return self.tt_ref.get_colour() security.declareProtected(perm_view, 'get_tt_ref') def get_tt_ref(self): """Return a reference to ThinkingType.""" return self.tt_ref security.declarePrivate('uncache_notes') def uncache_notes(self): if not self.is_starting_note(): self.parent().uncache_notes() else: if hasattr(self,'__cached_n_notes'): del self.__cached_n_notes if hasattr(self,'__cached_n_unread_notes'): del self.__cached_n_unread_notes security.declareProtected(perm_view, 'get_n_notes') # No additional comments. def get_n_notes(self): """Return number of children notes + 1 (=self)""" top = self.is_starting_note() if top: if hasattr(self,'__cached_n_notes'): return self.__cached_n_notes n = 1 # Note itself for note in self.get_children('Note'): n += note.get_n_notes() if top: self.__cached_n_notes = n return n security.declarePrivate('uncache_unread_notes') def uncache_unread_notes(self,uname): if not self.is_starting_note(): self.parent().uncache_unread_notes(uname) else: if hasattr(self,'__cached_n_unread_notes'): if uname in self.__cached_n_unread_notes.keys(): del self.__cached_n_unread_notes[uname] security.declareProtected(perm_view, 'get_n_unread_notes') # Container-recursive method. def get_n_unread_notes(self, uname): """Return number of unread children notes + 1 (=self (if unread)))""" top = self.is_starting_note() if top: if hasattr(self,'__cached_n_unread_notes'): if uname in self.__cached_n_unread_notes.keys(): return self.__cached_n_unread_notes[uname] else: self.__cached_n_unread_notes={} n = 0 if not self.is_reader(uname): n = 1 for note in self.get_children('Note'): n += note.get_n_unread_notes(uname) if top: self.__cached_n_unread_notes[uname]=n return n security.declareProtected(perm_view, 'get_all_unread_children') # When you call this from the DTML, give course context but not # any path.... # FIXME: Make a wrapper to make things more beautiful... --jmp 2001-10-16 def get_all_unread_children(self, REQUEST, path=None, cc=None): """Return a list of all children that are unread.""" if path is None: path = REQUEST.URL1 + '/' + cc.get_id() + '/' + self.get_id() reader = repr(REQUEST.AUTHENTICATED_USER) retval = [] for note in self.get_children('Note'): if not note.is_reader(reader): retval.append([note,path + '/' + note.get_id()]) retval += note.get_all_unread_children(REQUEST, path + '/' + note.get_id()) return retval security.declareProtected(perm_view, 'mark_all_notes_read') def mark_all_notes_read(self, REQUEST): """Mark all notes as read in this thread (by current user)""" note = self while not note.is_starting_note(): note = note.parent() note.__mark_all_children_read(str(REQUEST.AUTHENTICATED_USER)) self.get_lang(('common', 'kb'), REQUEST) return self.message_dialog( self, REQUEST, title=REQUEST['L_unread_to_read_msg'], message=REQUEST['L_unread_to_read_msg'], action='index_html') def __mark_all_children_read(self, uname): if not self.is_reader(uname): self.update_reader(uname) for note in self.get_children('Note'): note.__mark_all_children_read(uname) security.declareProtected(perm_manage, 'reload_dtml') # Add new DTML-docs here def reload_dtml(self, REQUEST=None): """Reload dtml files from the file system.""" NoteDTML.reload_dtml(self) reload_dtml(self, self.dtml_files) security.declareProtected(perm_add_lo, 'set_temporary') def set_temporary(self, bool): """Set this NOTE object as temporary.""" self.__temporary = not not bool security.declareProtected(perm_view, 'is_temporary') def is_temporary(self): """Return boolean depending on if note is temporary, or not.""" return self.__temporary security.declareProtected(perm_add_lo, 'preview_form_handler') def preview_form_handler(self, REQUEST, edit='', cancel='', post='', ): """Preview handler. If post, the note is just changed from temporary to current. If edit, we jump back a bit, etc..""" if edit: REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect(self.state_href(REQUEST, 'edit_form')) elif cancel: # Delete self. try: self.do_cancel() except: pass REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect(self.state_href(REQUEST, '../../index_html')) elif post: self.do_publish() REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect(self.state_href(REQUEST, # Ugly hack. '../../%s/index_html'%self.get_id())) else: raise 'FLE Error', 'This should not happen.' security.declarePrivate('do_publish') def do_publish(self): self.set_temporary(0) self.uncache_notes() self.parent().move_from_tmp(self) security.declarePrivate('do_cancel') def do_cancel(self): self.parent().delete_from_tmp(self) security.declareProtected(perm_view, 'may_censor_note') def may_censor_note(self, person): """Return boolean depending on whether user may or may not censor notes.""" from AccessControl.PermissionRole import rolesForPermissionOn if self.get_author()==person: return 0 return intersect_bool( get_roles(self,person), rolesForPermissionOn(perm_edit,self)) security.declareProtected(perm_edit, 'censor_note_handler') def censor_note_handler( self, REQUEST, censor=None, uncensor=None, verify=None, cancel=None, ): """Handles note censorship.""" if verify: import time self.do_censor(time.time(),str(REQUEST.AUTHENTICATED_USER)) if REQUEST: self.get_lang(('common','kb'),REQUEST) return self.message_dialog( self, REQUEST, title=REQUEST['L_censored_msg'], message=REQUEST['L_censored_msg'], action='index_html') elif cancel: if REQUEST: REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect(self.state_href(REQUEST, 'index_html')) elif uncensor: self.do_uncensor() if REQUEST: REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect(self.state_href(REQUEST, 'index_html')) else: if REQUEST: self.get_lang(('common','kb'),REQUEST) return self.message_dialog2( self, REQUEST, title=REQUEST['L_censored_msg'], message=REQUEST['L_censor_verify'], handler='censor_note_handler', extra_value_name='note', extra_values=(str(self.get_id()),), option1_value = REQUEST['L_cancel'], option1_name = 'cancel', option2_value = REQUEST['L_ok'], option2_name = 'verify') def do_censor(self,time,user): self.censored=time self.censorer=user def do_uncensor(self): self.censored=0 del self.censorer # FIXME: remove most of the defaulted method arguments, because we # FIXME: take the form values anyways from REQUEST object. security.declareProtected(perm_add_lo, 'edit_note_form_handler') def edit_note_form_handler( self, REQUEST, subject='', body='', image=None, image_name='', url='', url_name='', tt_id_new='', # cancel, preview and change_tt are button actions cancel='', go_back='', preview='', change_tt='', ): """Handle note edits.""" user = self.fle_users.get_user_info(str(REQUEST.AUTHENTICATED_USER)) self.get_lang(('common', 'kb'), REQUEST) if cancel: # Delete self. try: self.do_cancel() except: pass REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect(self.state_href(REQUEST, '../../index_html')) elif go_back: user.register_edit(str(REQUEST.URL)) self.store_edit(REQUEST) REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect(self.state_href(REQUEST, '../../index_html')) elif preview or change_tt: # Both buttons will need to commit all changes to the form, # so we start with both of them and diverge later on... errors = [] errors = self.store_edit(REQUEST) if preview and len(errors) > 0: # Only display errors when trying to go to preview return self.message_dialog_error( self, REQUEST, title=REQUEST['L_invalid_input'], message=REQUEST['L_invalid_fields'] + ": '" + \ "' , '".join(errors) + "'", action='edit_form') #action='edit_form?subject=%s&body=%s&my_url=%s&url_name=%s&image_name=%s' % tuple( #[quote_plus(x) for x in (subject, body, # url, url_name, image_name)])) if change_tt: self.set_tt(self.tts_ref.get_thinking_type(tt_id_new)) REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect(self.state_href(REQUEST, 'edit_form')) else: REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect(self.state_href(REQUEST, 'preview_form')) else: #raise 'FLE Error', 'This should not happen.' # Assume continued editing session ... #return self.edit_form(REQUEST) REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect(self.state_href( REQUEST, 'edit_form')) security.declarePrivate('store_edit') def store_edit(self, req): """Store note contents.""" errors = [] for s in ('subject', 'url', 'url_name', 'image_name'): e = req.get(s) req.set(s, e.strip()) if not is_valid_title(req.get('subject')): errors.append(req['L_title_of_note']) original_body = req.get('body') body = strip_tags(original_body, allowed_tags_in_notes) req.set('body', body) if body != original_body: errors.append(req['L_message_body']) if req.get('url') and not is_valid_url(req.get('url')): errors.append(req['L_add_link']) if req.get('url_name') and \ not is_valid_title(req.get('url_name')): errors.append(req['L_title_of_link']) if req.get('image_name') and not \ is_valid_title(req.get('image_name')): errors.append(req['L_title_of_image']) # Set image before handling (possible) return of # error message dialog, so that image will not be lost. image = req.get('image') if image is not None: if len(image.filename) > 0: self.set_image_data(image.read()) self.set_image_content_type( image.headers['content-type']) self.set_subject(req.get('subject')) self.set_body(req.get('body')) if req.get('url') is not None: self.set_url(req.get('url')) if req.get('url_name') is not None: self.set_url_name(req.get('url_name')) if req.get('image_name'): self.set_image_name(req.get('image_name')) return errors def touchgraph_data(self): data=self.write_touchgraph_data(self,"NOTE","Note",self.get_tt_id()) for note in self.objectValues("Note"): data=data+note.touchgraph_data() return data Globals.InitializeClass(Note) # EOF