INSTALLING Fle3 on Win32 platforms ================================== This document contains brief instructions to get Fle3 up and running in MS Windows. Fle3 is a Zope product, so you need to get Zope (Z Object publishing engine) running in your computer first. Download the latest stable version of Zope (win32): Download Python Imaging Library (win32): Download the latest stable version of Fle3: 1. Install the Python Imaging Library to the C:\bin 2. Install Zope to C:\ProgramFiles\Zope 3. Unpack Fle3 and move the FLE folder to C:\ProgramFiles\Zope\lib\python\ Products\FLE 4. If your computer is a server already, modify the start.bat file in C:\ ProgramFiles\Zope directory and change the port number, e.g.: "C:\ ProgramFiles\Zope\bin\python.exe" "C:\ProgramFiles\Zope\" -P 8000 -D %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 5. Run the start.bat 6. Launch your web browser and go to http://localhost:8080/manage (if you have modified the start.bat file, use the corresponding port number e.g. http://localhost:8000/manage). 7. Login using Zope administrator user name and password (created during Zope installation). 8. From the drop down menu on the right "Select type to add..." select FLE. 9. Give a name for your FLE installation (you can have several FLE installations running on your server at the same time). 10. Create the FLE administrator user name and password (give a different user name than Zope administrator). 11. Give the name and port number of the outgoing e-mail server in the SMTP fields. 12. Recreate FLE from another FLE export file if you have FLE archive stored in your computer file system. 13. Quit your browser and start it again or use another browser to login to FLE as FLE administrator. 14. You can find your FLE installation in e.g.: http://localhost:8080/FLE