Translating Fle3

You can add a new language (in this example french) version by doing following steps:


1. Go to the zope/lib/python/Products/FLE directory

2. Make a copy of english language file:
   $ cp

   fr is the two character language code for french.
   (Use ISO 639 two character language codes.)

3. Make translations to the new file (

   Translation file contains python dictionaries.

   common = {
     'language_name': ('English', 'Name of this language'),
     'WebTop': ('WebTop','Main tab for webtop'),



   First element (language_name) is an translation attribute.  
   Don't touch it. 
   Second element (English) is name to be translated. 
   Translate it.

   Last element (Name of this language) is a helper text. 
   Don't touch it.

   Translate all elements in all dictionaries.

4. Start your web browser and go to your Fle3 installation 
   Launch following url: 
   (it does not give any feedback)

5. Check your user information in the Fle system. You should now have 
   a new language option (French) in the language menu.

6. Send us the new translation file. ;)


Ilkka Kekkonen