$Id: remove_users_confirm.dtml,v 1.7 2002/03/22 08:36:35 tarmo Exp $ ### Add title when you start using this! ###


Do you want to remove the following users?

" tabindex="2"/> " tabindex="1"/>

 - ADD IMG "remove_user.gif" (Samu 8.10.2001)
 - This page not in 15-9-2001 release (Samu 6.9.2001)
 - Previous-button (Samu 3.9.2001)
 - Cancel-button (Samu 3.9.2001)
 - CSS-bug fixing (Samu 3.9.2001)
 - Admin/student header
 - ear button (5.9.2001)
 - Checkboxes that were in HTML dummies are not implemented (Ilkka and
   I found them too unconventional UI design..) --jmp 2001-10-25
 - MessageDialog that appears after 'Remove' is pressed may need
   some improvements... --jmp 2001-10-25