class Account { private int id = -1; private String name = null; private int savings = -1, checking = -1; public Account(int id, String name, int savings, int checking) { = id; = name; this.savings = savings; this.checking = checking; } public String toString() { return "account id=" + id + ", name=" + name + ", savings=" + savings + ", checking=" + checking; } public int getId() { return id; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String n) { name = n; } public int getSavings() { return savings; } public void setSavings(int i) { savings = i; } public int getChecking() { return checking; } public void setChecking(int i) { checking = i; } } class Bank { private static int nextBankID = 0; private int bankID = -1; private String name = null; // private if not subclassed, else give subclass access with protected protected int numCustomers = 0; protected Account[] account = null; public Bank(String name) { this(name, 10, 1000); } public Bank(String name, int numCustomers, int initialSavings) { this(name, numCustomers, initialSavings, true); } // for use by subclasses so they can do their own account initialization protected Bank(String name, int numCustomers, int initialSavings, boolean initialize) { = name; this.numCustomers = numCustomers; bankID = nextBankID++; if (initialize) initializeAccounts(initialSavings); } private void initializeAccounts(int initialSavings) { account = new Account[numCustomers]; for (int i = 0; i < numCustomers; i++) { String n = "Pat Doe"; int s = initialSavings; int c = 0; account[i] = new Account(i, n, s, c); } } public static int getNextBankID() { return nextBankID; } protected boolean validCustomerID(int customerID) { return customerID >=0 && customerID < numCustomers; } public String getBankName() { return name; } public final int getBankID() { return bankID; } // no overriding public int getNumCustomers() { return numCustomers; } public int getBalance(int customerID) { if (validCustomerID(customerID)) return account[customerID].getSavings(); else return -1; } public String toString() { return name + " Bank (bankID = " + bankID + ") has " + numCustomers + " customers"; } public boolean withdraw(int customerID, int amount) { if (validCustomerID(customerID) && amount < account[customerID].getSavings()) { account[customerID].setSavings( account[customerID].getSavings() - amount); // ... log the transaction into the accounting records return true; } else return false; } public boolean deposit(int customerID, int amount) { if (validCustomerID(customerID)) { account[customerID].setSavings( account[customerID].getSavings() + amount); // ... log the transaction into the accounting records return true; } else return false; } public boolean transfer(int fromCustomerID, int toCustomerID, int amount) { if (!validCustomerID(toCustomerID)) return false; if (!withdraw(fromCustomerID, amount)) return false; // deposit cannot return false, so no worry about undoing withdraw deposit(toCustomerID, amount); // ... log the transaction into the accounting records return true; } public String statement(int customerID) { if (validCustomerID(customerID)) { // ... log the transaction into the accounting records return name + ": " + account[customerID]; } else return null; } } class Neighborhood { public static void main(String[] args) { Bank national = new Bank("National"); Bank peoples = new Bank("Peoples", 100, 10000); System.out.println("This neighborhood has two banks:\n " + national + "\n " + peoples); System.out.println("The next bank created will have ID " + Bank.getNextBankID()); System.out.println(national.getBankName() + " has ID " + national.getBankID() + " and " + national.getNumCustomers() + " customers"); System.out.println(peoples.getBankName() + " has ID " + peoples.getBankID() + " and " + peoples.getNumCustomers() + " customers"); // perform some transactions ... if (!national.withdraw(3, 100)) System.out.println("National cannot withdraw $100 from account 3"); if (!peoples.deposit(7, 99)) System.out.println("Peoples cannot deposit $99 to account 7"); if (!national.deposit(42, 100)) System.out.println("National cannot deposit $100 to account 42"); if (!peoples.transfer(17, 19, 99000)) System.out.println ("Peoples cannot transfer $99000 from account 17 to account 19"); System.out.println(national.statement(3)); System.out.println(peoples.statement(7)); System.out.println(national.statement(42)); System.out.println(peoples.statement(17)); System.out.println(peoples.statement(19)); } } /* ............... Example compile and run(s) % javac % java Neighborhood This neighborhood has two banks: National Bank (bankID = 0) has 10 customers Peoples Bank (bankID = 1) has 100 customers The next bank created will have ID 2 National has ID 0 and 10 customers Peoples has ID 1 and 100 customers National cannot deposit $100 to account 42 Peoples cannot transfer $99000 from account 17 to account 19 National: account id=3, name=Pat Doe, savings=900, checking=0 Peoples: account id=7, name=Pat Doe, savings=10099, checking=0 null Peoples: account id=17, name=Pat Doe, savings=10000, checking=0 Peoples: account id=19, name=Pat Doe, savings=10000, checking=0 ... end of example run(s) */