class CommercialAccount extends Account { private int loan = -1; // Commercial Banks make loans, too public CommercialAccount(int id, String name, int savings, int checking, int loan) { super(id, name, savings, checking); = loan; } public String toString() { // override inherited method return super.toString() + ", loan=" + loan; } public int getLoan() { return loan; } public void setLoan(int i) { loan = i; } } final class CommercialBank extends Bank { // no subclassing public CommercialBank(String name) { this(name, 10, 1000); } public CommercialBank(String name, int numCustomers, int initialSavings) { // invoke Bank constructor (super class) super(name, numCustomers, initialSavings, false); initializeAccounts(initialSavings); } private void initializeAccounts(int initialSavings) { // the account field is inherited from the super class account = new CommercialAccount[numCustomers]; for (int i = 0; i < numCustomers; i++) { String n = "Pat Doe"; int s = initialSavings; int c = 0; int l = 0; account[i] = new CommercialAccount(i, n, s, c, l); } } public String toString() { // override inherited method return super.toString() + " and is Commercial"; } public int getLoanBalance(int customerID) { // new method if (validCustomerID(customerID)) return ((CommercialAccount) account[customerID]).getLoan(); else return -1; } // overload inherited method public boolean withdraw(int customerID, int amount, boolean overdraft) { if (withdraw(customerID, amount)) return true; else if (validCustomerID(customerID) && overdraft) { ((CommercialAccount) account[customerID]).setLoan( ((CommercialAccount) account[customerID]).getLoan() + amount); // ... log the transaction into the accounting records return true; } else return false; } } class City { public static void main(String[] args) { Bank mutual = new Bank("Mutual"); Bank savings = new Bank("Savings", 100, 10000); CommercialBank merchants = new CommercialBank("Merchants", 100, 10000); System.out.println("This city has three banks:\n " + mutual + "\n " + savings + "\n " + merchants); System.out.println("Merchants customer 2 has a balance of " + merchants.getBalance(2)); merchants.withdraw(2, 900); System.out.println("Merchants customer 2 has a balance of " + merchants.getBalance(2)); System.out.println("Merchants customer 3 has a loan balance of " + merchants.getLoanBalance(3)); merchants.withdraw(3, 100000, true); System.out.println("Merchants customer 3 has a loan balance of " + merchants.getLoanBalance(3)); System.out.println(merchants.statement(2)); System.out.println(merchants.statement(3)); } } /* ............... Example compile and run(s) % javac % java City This city has three banks: Mutual Bank (bankID = 0) has 10 customers Savings Bank (bankID = 1) has 100 customers Merchants Bank (bankID = 2) has 100 customers and is Commercial Merchants customer 2 has a balance of 10000 Merchants customer 2 has a balance of 9100 Merchants customer 3 has a loan balance of 0 Merchants customer 3 has a loan balance of 100000 Merchants: account id=2, name=Pat Doe, savings=9100, checking=0, loan=0 Merchants: account id=3, name=Pat Doe, savings=10000, checking=0, loan=100000 ... end of example run(s) */