Description of the project

The objective of this project is to introduce new disciplines and associated modern teaching methodologies into the Estonian higher education system. This will be achieved in three stages:
Introducing mathematical modelling courses needs new teaching methodologies. Courses involve group work, project work and learning to use current simulation software. Case studies (using multimedia techniques) are also needed. Part of the courses will involve an industrial placement so it is essential that an interface with local industry in Estonia is established. The benefits from contact with Industry and Business are many and varied, suc as project work based on real problems, and these benefits spread though all levels thus producing a multiplier effect.

The teaching methods, and especially the software that is produced will also be usefil at both graduated and undergraduated level but the project will be initially aimed at the graduated level for several reasons:

The course will fully utilise and develop the latest multimedia technology such as hypermedia. Hypermedia is the generic term used to describe methods of presenting information using a combination of hypertext, graphics, animation, sound and video. Learning material utilising the facilities offered by hypermedia will be initially developed in English and will ultimately be translated into Finnish and Estonian. Hypermedia as well as encompassing the adventages of CAL (Computer Aided Learning) oses sound and graphics to increase the impact of the information and allows readers to explore learning material in many ways and choose and respond in ways that determine what information appears. In effect, each student designs an individual learning pathway through the material. Mathematical modelling courses benefit greatly from using such an approach by using simulation techniques to provide the opportunity for a student to experience simulated engineering, economics, chemistry, public administration etc. problems. Modern computer networks, in special Internet provides a new platform for producing an distributing hypermedia courses. A part of the produced courseware will be can be studien interactively on Internet.