Building, Packaging, Deploying, and Running the Application

The source code for the Coffee Break application is located in the directory <INSTALL>/javaeetutorial5/examples/coffeebreak/. Within the cb directory are subdirectories for each web application--cb, cb-saaj, and cb-jaxws--and a directory, cb-common, for classes shared by the web applications. Each subdirectory contains a build.xml file. The web application subdirectories in turn contain a src subdirectory for Java classes and configuration files, and a web subdirectory for web resources.

Setting the Port

The JAX-WS and SAAJ services in the Coffee Break application run at the port that you specified when you installed the Application Server. The tutorial examples assume that the Application Server runs on the default port, 8080. If you have changed the port, you must update the port number in the following files before building and running the examples:

Building the Common Classes

The Coffee Break applications share a number of common utility classes. To build the common classes and copy the file into the build directory, do the following:

  1. In a terminal window, go to <INSTALL>/javaeetutorial5/examples/coffeebreak/cb-common/.
  2. Run ant.

Building, Packaging, and Deploying the JAX-WS Service

To build the JAX-WS service and client library and to package and deploy the JAX-WS service, follow these steps:

  1. In a terminal window, go to <INSTALL>/javaeetutorial5/examples/coffeebreak/cb-jaxws/.
  2. Run ant. This task calls the default target, which compiles the source files of the JAX-WS service.
  3. Make sure the Application Server is running.

To package and deploy the JAX-WS service using ant, run:

ant deploy 

Building, Packaging, and Deploying the SAAJ Service

To build the SAAJ service and client library, follow these steps:

  1. In a terminal window, go to <INSTALL>/javaeetutorial5/examples/coffeebreak/cb-saaj/.
  2. Run ant. This task calls the default target, which creates the client library and compiles the SAAJ service classes.
  3. Make sure the Application Server is started.

To package and deploy the SAAJ service using ant, run:

ant deploy 

Building, Packaging, and Deploying the Coffee Break Server

To build the Coffee Break server, follow these steps:

  1. In a terminal window, go to <INSTALL>/javaeetutorial5/examples/coffeebreak/cb/.
  2. Run ant. This task calls the default target, which compiles the server classes.
  3. Make sure the Application Server is started.

To package and deploy the JSF server using ant, run:

ant deploy 

Running the Coffee Break Client

After you have installed all the web applications, check that all the applications are running in the Admin Console. You should see cb, cb-saaj, and cb-jaxws in the list of applications.

You can run the Coffee Break client by opening this URL in a web browser:


You should see a page something like the one shown in Figure 37-1.

Coffee Break Order Form

Figure 37-1 Order Form

After you have gone through the application screens, you will get an order confirmation that looks like the one shown in Figure 37-2.

Coffee Break Order Confirmation

Figure 37-2 Order Confirmation

Removing the Coffee Break Application

To remove the Coffee Break application, perform the following steps:

  1. Undeploy the JAX-WS service, SAAJ service, and the Coffee Break server using the Admin Console or by running ant undeploy in their respective directories.
  2. Stop the Application Server.

If you want to remove the build and dist directories, run ant clean in each directory, including <INSTALL>/javaeetutorial5/examples/coffeebreak/cb-common/.